I finally got around to fixing the domain settings for the site. It seems that when the domain registry was moved from Google to Squarespace, some of my domains weren’t being forwarded as they should. As long as I was in here, I figured I might as well pop in and let the internet know …
Phil’s Tavern
Since we moved to the West Loop, the long-boarded-up Phil’s Tavern has been a reminder of this neighborhood’s past as Chicago’s Skid Row. While other buildings have been re-habbed or torn down to be replaced by brand-new residences and retail, the one-story building with its shuttered bar and the still-open Herzog Store Fixture stood at …
Welcome to mid-2021. A lot of water has passed under the bridge, to coin a phrase. I finally got around to updating the engine of this site as one of my final COVID-era projects. I was hesitant to push the button out of fear that the rusty WordPress installation would fall apart as soon as …
The Ever-Changing World of Chicago Radio
It took about a year for the plug to be pulled on an ambitious (or some would say ridiculous) project: FM News 101.1. As of today, you will hear music on 101.1 FM instead of talk. The CEO of the station’s owner cited “lack of audience engagement” as one of the reasons: that’s doubletalk for …
Silent Summer 2012
The Silent Film Society of Chicago just announced its lineup for their summer film festival, one of our favorite events of the season. The festival runs on Friday nights from July 20 through August 24 at the Portage Theater in Chicago. This year will bring us some comedy from Harold Lloyd, some action from Douglas …
Chicago Board of Trade
There are only a couple of weeks during the year when the sun shines on the façade of the Chicago Board of Trade Building at the angle you see here. I happened to have my camera with me the other morning, so I captured it. With the morning sun shining at this angle, you can …
Cloud Gate (and Bike the Drive)
This past Sunday the 11th annual Bike the Drive event was held on Chicago’s Lake Shore Drive. After riding the 30-mile route, I took the time to ride around downtown Chicago a bit, and wound up at Millennium Park, where I shot this photo of the Cloud Gate (aka “The Bean”) sculpture. There were over …
First Day of Spring 2012
This Peanuts strip appeared in early Spring 1956. Our recent run of 80-degree weather here in Chicago is the polar opposite of what Charlie Brown & Co are dealing with here.
Happy New Year!
A couple shots of the legendary cheeseburger spot in Chicago, the Billy Goat Tavern on Lower Michigan Avenue. Happy New Year!
Christmas in Chicago
We spent a couple days in downtown Chicago, going “off the grid” and spending some quality holiday time together. Here are some shots of State Street, Marina City, and the Wrigley Building that were taken late on Monday night. I especially like the Christmas lights on the balconies at Marina City. Hope you’re all enjoying …