Setting The Stage…

Yeah, Fall is just about here
As I was walking to my car yesterday afternoon, I saw this little fall display standing at the ready behind the Vail Street Jewel.
I’m always a little amused by the fact that many of my fellow suburban co-dwellers actually pay for dead corn stalks, but hey– if there’s a market for it… 🙂
And inside those neatly stacked big boxes we find…
A sure sign that Fall is here.
Summer certainly screamed by this year: the kids’ (and Lisa’s brother’s) graduations seem like only a couple weeks ago, and it’s tough to fathom all the time that passed between then and last week’s reunion weekend for my parents’ 55th anniversary with my siblings and nieces and nephews.
We covered a lot of ground, that’s for sure. On to the next season. 🙂
