I Asked For “Hot on the Side,” Please

I took the kids to see Ella Enchanted this evening. They really liked it, so mission accomplished. It was a cute fairy tale, although they recognized bits of Shrek, The Princess Bride, and Cinderella in it. Good to see Eric Idle again, playing the narrator. And Carey Elwes plays sort of the opposite type of character he played in Princess Bride.
The webcam has been on and off for the past couple of days, so click the button up on top to see the latest of what’s going on inside the recently-refinanced pad.
I enjoyed a lovely Italian Beef at Portillo’s. While I was sitting there, listening to the guy behind me hacking up a lung, I realized that when I eat in restaurants I always face the door. At first I thought it was some alpha-thing, and then I remembered where it came from.
When I was at UIC, I had a friend named Karen who lived in one of the rougher neighborhoods of Chicago. Sometimes we’d have lunch at one of the restaurants on Taylor Street, and one day I sat with my back to the door. She told me that her boyfriend Ren
